You can see things as “problems” or “opportunities” depending on which mindset you have

In chinese the word “危机” could mean both:
“Danger/threat/crisis”, in a milder sense one could say: “Problem” and the other would be “Opportunity”.
So according to chinese philosophy: chinese see Problem as Opportunity,
that’s one of the reason why they are very fastly moving forward in economy (in general).


Yeah… make sense… Losers see problem as an excuse for not doing anything, complaining and finding the black sheep for everything instead of thinking to find at least an idea for a solution .
Would it be a good idea or not, that’s not the critical point.
But positive oriented mindset would at least have something to start with it. Every errors occur while applying it, could always be corrected during the process.
On the other hand, the ones who have too much fear of change and only want to avoid problem instead of facing it, will never have a start of anything. And this people will never move forward .
Hmmmmm… which one are we prefer to be ?

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