There is no excuse for violence

10427217_10152709660450838_1873150344739687716_nFollowing what’s happening in the world is really distressing me. In islamic regions there is fear of christianism, and in christian countries there is fear of islamism… Well, funny… as if small group could really manage to make such big influence and change. In most cases they are actually happy enough when they can live without worries or being discriminated.

This endless religion competition is really ridiculous, especially when violence has been already getting involved. What kind of God would prefer to be surrounded by Ass###es who spend their lifetime hurting, degrading, and even killing people out of hates, egos, irrealistic fear and fun. People who claim that they are doing it to defend their God, that God would love them to do that and promised them heaven for it are actually at the same time telling the world that their God is a sadist, narcissist, egoist and too weak to defend him (or her?) self. So this kind of people have no right to tell others doing a “God’s Blasphemy”. What they’re doing is the worst blasphemy ever.

If this competition and war keeps going on there would be a day when finally any of Nuclear reactor is being bombed, and everything will be finished one by one. It will definitely set off a domino effect. Bacterias and other small creatures may probably survive, but the more complex ones like us ‘human being’ for example, wouldn’t survive for sure.
And if God exist truly, I believe that He (or she? whatever…) would prefer stop making another homo sapiens, they only make problem and cause him head ache. It’s not fun…
He would probably create completely different creatures as the next project. He would see by then that Homo Sapiens were a fail product, bad experiments hahahahaha.
If there is God, what makes human so sure that God only created this universe for them and will spend his time and patient only for human? Why? People always say that God is great and we are so small and unimportant, have to serve God etc…but what we human being believe and do actually show completely different fact.
The impression i got is that WE, human being, are so narcistic and think that we are the most important thing ever exist so that this GREAT GOD must put his all concentration, energy and attention upon us. We’re so predominantly important that God must have full concern what we eat, what we don’t eat, what we drink or not drink, what kind of clothes we wear, who we marry, with whom or what we’re having sex and how etc etc… Hei… does God really have nothing more interesting to do than that?
If God is great like the religious people always said, why would those things are more important than the fact that WE, this SMALL creatures called human beings are actually destroying one by one God’s MASTERPIECE ===> this Earth, it’s beautiful nature, it’s atmosphere, other human beings and every single coinhabitants on this earth? And many of this destruction are even done using God’s name.
If you are God, would you be happy if your name is misused by those little fleas called homo sapiens to destroy your own creation?
Despite all these, i will still not join the action to spread those cartoons. Well i do enjoy satire humor, and never against religion criticism. But not every satire has a good taste/quality and i find that those cartoons published by Hebdo were tasteless. It’s not only the cartoon about islam, but also the other cartoons. Their cartoons were often very racist and xenophobic and i don’t find it interesting at all, so i’m just not interested to spread it around. My stand point against violence doesn’t necessarily mean that i have to support the spread of tasteless humor.

Neverthless freedom of speech still need to be respected and if we claim to live in a free democratic country, then we should be consistent with it. Yes, it is not necessary to create anything to provoke a particular group of society, but we must also remember that as long as we live in a society: “to offend and being offended” is just a completely normal thing. Everybody has it’s own perpective, taste and preference about anything and it’s all protected by constitution. If the religious ones want to be respected for believing in their “invisible friend” (read= God), then they must give the same respect to nonbelievers to believe anything they want: black hole, big bang, pink elephant or giant standing insect in the outerspace or whatever it is.
If the religious want to be allowed to name others stupid “Kafir”, “Infidel”, “the lost soul” etc, why shouldn’t the non believers be allowed to do the opposite things?
Why should the non believers spare so much tolerance for the believers but on the other hand the believers do not want to give the same tolerance to the nonbelievers? How egoistic, isn’t it?
If Logic, Science and Humor is Blasphemy of religion, then i think i must say that religion is a blasphemy of intellectuality. Should both parties be allowed to punish each other or what?
No no no, that’s not how civilised society work darling…but wait.. are we really civilised society? If we are really civilised, why are we still using barbarians ways to solve problem? I thought the brain of homo sapiens has been excellently developed, or am i wrong about this?

There was the time when God’s ground staff (read: religion fundamentalist) hunted scientists for saying that the earth is round and not the center of the universe, but it seems to me that nowadays the similar situation has just been repeated again all over the world, only by different actors and topic, but still very similar.

No no…as parent i will never give up my aauthority and house policy only because my toddlers are threatening me with their tantrum to force me giving what they want. Once i give it up, at this moment they will learn that this method is 100% effective and need to be continued and spread.
Why should we sacrifice our liberty just because there are some idiots out there who can not understand humor and whatever else we say. There is no clear border for freedom, but if it’s about speech: then it should be more or less guaranteed, otherwise the particular country is not qualified to be called Free Country. At least, no pen deserves a bullet as a payback. Only idiots work with violence, cos their brain is clearly not good enough to think of any better thing to do than hitting or shooting.
I stand for the right to think and speak up about anything we like.
If believers are allowed to call the nonbelievers “infidels”, then the nonbelievers should be ok making a joke about it and call it ridiculous idea. Just leave violence and physical aggresivity out of the game.
There is no excuse for violence. Not for religion, neither for xenophobia.
Don’t let your self being enslaved by military industry and give them a chance to be rich and richer with bloody money.

Picture by: Jürgen Todenhöfers

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